Free Injury Screening
Ever wonder if that twinge you get while exercising or that ache you get afterward is normal? Do you have a medical condition that may affect your ability to exercise? Do you have questions about your safety during activities, sports, work or workouts in light of a change in your health? Do you wonder if physical therapy might help you get to a better level of fitness or sports performance?
All these questions can be addressed with a free injury screen by one of our licensed, experienced Physical Therapists. Anyone is eligible for a free 15 minute injury screening to discuss issues effecting their exercising. The Physical Therapist will also let you know if your situation could be helped by a course of regular treatment, and if other medical treatment is advised.
Orthopedics physical therapy pertains to conditions, disorders, injuries, and surgeries of the muscles, bones, joints, ligaments, and tendons. This includes arthritis, sprains, strains, fractures, overuse injuries, sport injuries. All of the therapists at The Edge Physical Therapy have extensive training and experience with orthopedic disorders and excel in the evaluation and treatment of them. Our expertise is complimented by our state-of-the-art facilities, allowing us to offer the most comprehensive rehabilitation options in Vermont! We work closely with primary care doctors and specialty physicians to ensure that you receive the most appropriate care for your condition.
Rehab Following Hospitalization
With experience in acute care, oncology and cardiac rehabilitation, our staff has the medical knowledge to transition patients from the hospital setting to the gym space. Our focus on patient education facilitates confidence in your health and safety when returning to an active lifestyle.
Sports Physical Therapy
At The Edge Physical Therapy our staff of licensed Physical Therapists specialize in the evaluation and treatment of all musculoskeletal injuries as well as pre and post-operative rehabilitation. Treatments include hands-on manual therapy, patient-specific strength and flexibility programs, and sports-specific training for athletes of all ages. We use our expertise and experience to help our patients to return to their prior level of activity as quickly and safely as possible. Only at The Edge Physical Therapy do athletes of all kinds have un-matched access to weights, gyms, pools, courts, and more!
Step Down to Personal Training
At The Edge Physical Therapy our patients have access to the best and most diverse fitness equipment available. A one month fitness membership is included with your physical therapy to help with your transition to an independent program. Within each location are personal trainers for people of every age and ability. Our physical therapy staff works closely with the Edge personal trainers to ease the transition from physical therapy to an independent workout program. Each talented personal trainer has their own specialty and our staff will match you with the best trainer to suit your individual needs. Personal training is a great way to begin a structured and safe workout regimen and maximize your fitness potential.
You are more than just an injury or ailment! Your overall health and wellness matter to us and impacts your recovery! At The EDGE Physical Therapy we can address all aspects of your health and wellness to maximize your outcome. We do this by providing our clients with education and resources, prescribing physical activity and exercise, providing support in adopting health promoting behaviors, and discussing barriers and opportunities related to your goals. We are dedicated to being an environment that supports both your physical and emotional well-being.